
2012 fremont solstice parade + naked bicycle ride

i love seattle.  there is a constant reiteration of community and culture all the time, and yesterday i walked just a few blocks from home to see the opening event for the 2012 fremont solstice festival--which just happens to be an annual naked bicycle ride!  i saw a crazy impressive number of taataas and peepees adorned with some pretty inventive painting and embellishments:

aaand they're off!  after a quick pause.
a true sportsman.
the no frills lineup.
there was an impressive showing of superheroes♥
the baby shoe stilts!
i think i need fabulous lessons.
there was no room for anything but love and peace 'round here.
how i want to see kids.
as close to a cotillion as i will ever get.
it was sososo difficult narrowing down the ones i loved to just ten (lest this entry become unwieldy), so if you have time to peruse more in the slideshow below, please do, it was frickin' rad.

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