
2012 mobile food truck rodeo.

last weekend it was mobile food truck madness just a short walk from mi casa, and it was one of those times i wish i was polygastric.  whatta fun sunday:
weigh your options carefully, but you'll end up giving in anyway because...
truffle mushroom grilled cheese is seductive.
my sun and my stars i'm a sucker for off the rez's homemade lemon curd frybread.
the veggie frybread was a'ight.  once bitten, twice fried.  oh man, i'm cheesy.
the hungry were a'plenty,
and we came to do work.
i wish i had a trough of jemil's big easy crawfish and jambalaya.  i'd american the crap out of it.  that's right, it's a verb.
the coolest family who played self-proclaimed "old timey" music.  true affection don't go out of style.
pacific northwesterners get kanaks too, brah.
she go.
mini-holiday begins tomorrow and i'll be off to where the dream of the 90's is alive. i haven't travelled with someone in a while and i wouldn't say i'm nervous, it's more like...i know it's gonna be fantastic; it's just different.

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